Republicans Accusing Rand of Sacrificing Security.

On May 31, 2015, a cornucopia of republicans began lambasting Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) over his stance on letting key provisions of the Patriot Act expire, since he blocked the vote.

Here is the video to watch,

With Rand’s commitment on wanting to end a big brother mentality and the Patriot Act, obviously, hard-line conservatives are not the ones likely to embrace some libertarian principles.

“I know what this is about — I think it’s very clear – this is, to some degree, a fundraising exercise,” Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) said. “He obviously has a higher priority for his fundraising and political ambitions than for the security of the nation.”

Sen. McCain, is not the only individual critical of Rand.

In reference to Rand’s 10-1/2 hour filibuster last month that stalled the NSA bill, Sen. Dean Heller (R-Neveda), said, “He could only raise money by filibustering.”

If you think that was a cheap shot, which usually happens in politics, especially in elections, one can imagine what Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) had to say, despite his endorsement of Paul, takes the cake.

According to the New York Times, McConnell accused the bill’s critics of waging a “campaign of demagoguery and disinformation.”

But there are some startling facts, that McConnell and McCain should know before making those type of statements.

On May, 21, of this year, Maggie Ybarra of the Washington Times wrote an article titled, FBI admits no major cases cracked with Patriot Act snooping powers (

Here are some nuggets from the article.

Between 2004 and 2009, the FBI, tripled the usage of bulk collection under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, stated by Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.

Section 215, of the Patriot Act allows, as stated in the article, “government agents to compel businesses to turn over records and documents, and increasingly scooped up records of Americans who had no ties to official terrorism investigations.”

“The agents we interviewed did not identify any major case developments that resulted from use of the records obtained in response to Section 215 orders,” the inspector general concluded — though he said agents did view the material they gathered as “valuable” in developing other leads or corroborating information.

So in essence, it gave us an illusion of safety and really did not do a thing, except gave the government a blank warrant to do what it wished, in regards to spying.

“This report adds to the mounting evidence that Section 215 has done little to protect Americans and should be put to rest,” said American Civil Liberties Union Staff Attorney Alex Abdo.

To all those in the republican circle, ripping Rand a new one, I will expound.
Sen. McCain, Paul is not doing this for a fundraiser opportunity. Paul has made it very evident, that he will stand up for civil liberties and has shown his leadership thus far in his duration as a senator.

McCain you should just retire from politics.

Rand, is a practical libertarian and stayed true to his guns on the aforementioned issue.

Granted Paul, is in an interesting dichotomy given the current confines of our political landscape, but making accusations that Paul will not keep us safe, is completely fallacious.

It just goes to so you, that the various mediums ( Six corporations control 90 percent of the media), will stop at nothing to carry on a collectivist driven agenda in support of candidates in favor of the status quo and try to tarnish a candidate who does not fit the two-part duopoly mold.

Paul is not confused on what party he is running for, as Brit Hume, for Fox News would like to believe.

Here is a news flash for Hume, the republican party use to support civil liberties when you look throughout history.

And in order for the party to survive, it has to be more tolerant of libertarian ideals.

Rand, knows that trying to change the guard of the traditional republican narrative when it comes to criminal justice reform, civil liberties, illegal wars, the surveillance state, medicinal marijuana and industrial hemp, will eventually lead to a better party.

“Tonight we stopped the illegal NSA Bulk data collection,” Paul said in a statement. “This is a victory no matter how you look at it. While some will use fear and intimidation tactics, I believe there is nothing that prevents our intelligence community from continuing to safely guard our nation, while also respecting our Constitution.”

2 thoughts on “Republicans Accusing Rand of Sacrificing Security.

  1. Rand Paul seems to be the only candidate, also the only elected law maker that has the balls to buck the satus quo.we need more people in high office with the guts to do the same, for the people.


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